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Human life

Water employed

CO2 produced

Waste produced

Textile discarded yearly

When we buy our clothes we live in the moment and we do not think about the consequences.

According to statistics, Italians buy around 14.5 kg of textiles each year and throw away almost 7.0 kg.

However, these 7.0 kg are not the only resource we are wasting. When we throw away clothes or textiles we should consider if they are really worn out because we must be conscious of the impact they had and still have.


Creating 7.0 kg of textiles produces around 10 kg of production waste, 17,000 kg of Co2 and uses up to 51,000 liters of water.


These figures represent the yearly waste, but if we think that an average man lives around 80 years and for most of the time he is an active buyer, then we can imagine how the numbers increase.

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